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Michelle du Toit

The Wiper or Recoater Add-on for Gizmo Resin 3D Printers

Updated: Aug 6, 2020

We're excited to announce the release of our latest add-on for Gizmo 3D Printers!

The NEW wiper or recoater system:

Using the recoater gives you the ability to print easier with thicker resins. Also, if there is a cavity in your 3D model or your 3D model is box-shaped (as the 3D printed mold discussed in this blog does, for example), having a recoater is essential. During the printing process, a recoater aids in spreading the resin equally over the previously printed layer. Without the recoater, the resin might not flow to cover the entire area if needed.

To order a recoater for your Gizmo 3D printer/s, email

Once you've placed an order, you can expect to receive your recoater within 4 to 6 weeks. You will receive instructions for installing your recoater, which is easy to do and takes up to an hour max.

Then upgrade your Gizmetor software to include the brand new recoater settings and away you go!


When do you need a recoater? Until now, users of Gizmo 3D printers have printed without a wiper or recoater, so when would you need one? If you are planning on printing box-shaped objects or objects with cavities, it's ideal for you. Some resins such as the ceramic resin from Tethon 3D is thicker - a recoater helps to achieve more precice results with such resins.

Does the recoater fit on any size Gizmo 3D Printer?

The wiper system comes in two parts - the primary system and a blade. The primary system can be applied to any of our machines, but the blade is specific to individual size vats.

Does the recoating process slow down the printing process?

Yes, using the recoater will decrease your print speed.

How often will I need to replace the recoater?

Your new recoater is made of quality steel and will last a long time.

Can these recoaters be used on other resin 3D printers?

Our recoaters have only been used and tested on the Gizmo 3D printers.

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