Users with the super speed add-on need to align the 2 projectors perfectly to gain speed. This can be a bit difficult at the start, but it does get easier over time. We have received some feedback from customers so we are working on making it easier. First step will be to add a bracket that holds the second projector in place and the second step of this upgrade will be to rework the whole assembly that holds the two projectors.
The splitter box will come with an IR extender that will be attached to the back of the frame. You can remove the IR extender and hold it in your hand or place it where it is comfortable for you to work. I normally have the remote in my right hand and extender in my left hand and I walk around the printer to make sure the grid patterns are aligned.
If you don't have automated projector movement:
Step 1:
Option 1
Set the brightness of both projectors low so that they don't burn the resin.
Option 2 (preffered)
Cut tin foil/aluminium foil so that it covers the section of the projection area where the splitter box will display its menu. You will first need to see how big the menu is by showing the menu with the splitter box remote. The foil needs to be as flat as possible and you will lay it on the resin, because we always align on top of the resin, not the build plate.
Step 2:
Move the build plate into the resin around 50mm and fill the vat until it overflows. Leave it for 1 or 2 minutes so that the resin will level.
Step 3:
Place the foil on top of the resin in the middle of the projection area.
Step 4:
Display the grid pattern in Gizmetor or GiziPrint in red. Don't use the grid pattern of the remote. It will only show a grid through one projector, not both. So it doesn't really help much.
Step 5:
Mechanically align the 2 projectors as close as possible. Any digital alignment you do will reduce the image quality. Bend the steel parts if you have to. This will be better with the new assembly that we are designing.
Step 6:
Use the splitter box remote to display the "4 corners" menu. This menu will burn into the resin if the brightness is too high or if you don't. The menu can now be used to move the image of the one projector.
Use the grid pattern to align the images, move the mouse over to the projectors display area to each corner to make sure the projectors are aligned. Display every 100 layers of the print, if in GiziPrint, to make sure the print will perform correctly.
You can also place your hand over one projector and then another to make sure the images are aligned correctly.
In the beginning this might take you an hour or two to get right, but as you do it more it will get quicker. Normally we do this check every morning on a super speed machine and it takes 5 minutes to make sure everything is still aligned.
If you have automated projector movement:
Step 1:
Place a thick piece of wood on top of the vat, e.g. 20mm wood.
Step 2:
Display the grid pattern in Gizmetor or GiziPrint in red if you have one of the original splitter boxes. The new big version will display a grid pattern through each projector.
Step 3:
Mechanically align the 2 projectors as close as possible. Any digital alignment you do will reduce the image quality. Bend the steel parts if you have to. This will be better with the new assembly that we are designing.
Step 4:
Use the splitter box remote to display the "4 corners" menu. The menu can now be used to move the image of the one projector.
Use the grid pattern to align the images, move the mouse over to the projectors display area to each corner to make sure the projectors are aligned. Display every 100 layers of the print, if in GiziPrint, to make sure the print will perform correctly.
You can also place your hand over one projector and then another to make sure the images are aligned correctly.
In the beginning this might take you an hour or two to get right, but as you do it more it will get quicker. Normally we do this check every morning on a super speed machine and it takes 5 minutes to make sure everything is still aligned.
Step 5:
When everything is perfectly aligned, remove the piece of wood. Measure the thickness of the wood, e.g. 20mm. Move the projector assembly down by 20mm, the thickness of the wood. The distance from the top of the vat to the overflow is 10mm or 20mm (depending on the vat version) so move the projector assembly down another 10mm or 20mm. The projector assembly should now be perfectly aligned on top of the resin if the resin is filled up to the overflow.